Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 3 of RSL


I haven't done anything self love wise yet!!!! There was just nothing to treat myself to in that way, it was a day of nothing but school work and running around picking up prescriptions and cat litter...I bought myself a new type of pudding, even though I'm sick of pudding no matter what the flavor, but I guess its something! LMAO!!
I think I mentioned I got gum grafting surgery done on friday, and since then all I've been eating is yogurt,pudding,chicken noodle soup and apple sauce and I can't really eat anything else until thursday. I just want to eat something good SO badly!! Its hard not to be grumpy!

Maybe I'll try and start a little RSL sketch/note book this evening....


1 comment:

  1. Hey Kiwi, I just found your blog through Twitter. Your diet sounds like mine, gotta love wisdom teeth. <3

